O LSAC, Law School Admission Council, é uma organização sem fins lucrativos. Essa organização é quem administra o LSAT. O LSAT é o exame de admissão para Law Schools nos EUA. Abaixo, mais informações sobre o LSAC.
What is LSAC?
The Law School Admission Council (LSAC) is a nonprofit, membership organization composed of all ABA-accredited law schools in the United States. LSAC provides many services to the member schools, including the Law School Admission Test (LSAT). Students register for the LSAT and apply to all law schools through the LSAC website (www.lsac.org).
Register for a free user account as soon as possible to explore pre-law resources and become familiar with the law school admissions process.
The Credential Assembly Service (CAS) is a service provided by LSAC to streamline the law school admissions process. CAS assembles and summarizes data from academic transcripts, letters of recommendation, and your LSAT score(s). The data are then transmitted as an Academic Summary Report to law schools to which you have applied. You are able to view your Academic Summary Report in your LSAC account and will be able to view the same materials the law schools will see. All law schools require subscription to this service. You must subscribe through your LSAC account. Consider opting in to the Candidate Referral Service (CRS), a free service that makes information about law school candidates available to law schools. As part of this service, you will receive emails from schools that regard you as an appealing candidate.
Source: https://dus.psu.edu/pre-law/what-lsac