Apenas quatro (4) Estados permitem legal apprenticeship: California, Washington, Vermont e Virginia. O tempo gasto em estágio supervisionado sob responsabilidade de um Advogado ou Juiz varia de Estado para Estado. Na California, por exemplo, existe o "Baby Bar", o qual no final do primeiro ano de estágio o candidato deve prestar uma prova de aptidão. Quem está matriculado em uma Law School regular não precisa fazer essa prova. A Kim Kardashian, de acordo com as regras da California também precisa declarar seu progresso durante o estágio.
De acordo com o site da California Bar:
'Applicants intending to pursue their legal education through the law office/judge’s chambers program must file an initial report on the designated form within 30 days of the date the law office study commenced. Subsequent reports on the designated form and examinations must be submitted within 30 days after completion of each six-month study period.
A $158 fee must accompany the Notice of Intent to Study in a Law Office or Judge’s Chambers, which is the initial report. A $105 fee must accompany each semi-annual report submitted after that. All reports must include the Law Office Study Report cover sheet and must be submitted by certified mail with return receipt requested or delivered in person to either the Los Angeles or San Francisco Office of Admissions.
Applicants are qualified to take the First-Year Law Students’ Examination after completing one year of law study. Certain applicants are exempt from the examination as specified in Rule 4.55 of the Admissions Rules. Applicants required to take the First-Year Law Students’ Examination, which includes students participating in the law office/judge’s chambers program, who pass the examination within three consecutive administrations of first becoming eligible to take it, will receive credit for law study completed up to the time the examination is passed (calculated to the date the examination is administered rather than to the date the results are released). Applicants who pass it thereafter will only receive credit for one year of law study." Para ler o artigo completo clique aqui
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